Rowan's Law, News (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

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Aug 08, 2019 | Kristyna | 11216 views
Rowan's Law
As of July 1st, 2019 the Ontario government is implementing “Rowan’s Act”; a concussion awareness law that requires at least one parent to complete the Ontario Hockey Federation Acknowledgement Form, before their child may participate in this season.

What this means for ALL parents:


If you have already registered your child for the 2019/20 season, you will need to complete the Ontario Hockey Federation Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form. You can complete our online form by CLICKING HERE

If you have not yet registered your child, you will be prompted to do so upon registration. 


Please note that this is a requirement and NOT optional. Your child will not be able to participate until the acknowledgement form has been completed. The OMH thanks parents and volunteers for their co-operation in this matter.

Boddam Hockey & Lacrosse Goalie Equipment
A BIG shout out to Boddam for repairing Orangeville Minor Hockey goalie apparel. Also for being so accommodating to our goalie families for their expertise and pricing. Proudly Canadian Proudly LOCAL!
Kidsport - Dufferin County
KidSport™ is a national not-for-profit organization that provides financial assistance to kids who just want to play some sports!
Tim Hortons
Proud sponsors of the Initiation Division