Registration for the 2024/2025 Season is now open.
Please read the following carefully.
Hockey Canada strongly recommends registering on a laptop or PC.
All participants will register with a base fee. This is equivalent to 1 season in house/local league. These fees are due in full by September 30, 2024.
All player’s who wish to tryout for a rep team will require to register on a separate registration page which will be posted on our website. Pending an updated from the OMHA. Players must be registered before attending tryouts.
The base fee includes all membership fees for Hockey Canada, the OHF and the OMHA.
If you have an outstanding balance from a previous season on your account, you must pay the balance before you are able to register for this season.
Multi-player discounts require all players to be registered in same transaction.
New Registrations - those who have NEVER played organized hockey under the Hockey Canada umbrella. Please click below for instructions and the link to the mandatory RIS: Parent course. Note that OMH is obligated to obtain proof of birthdate (birth certificate) and proof of address (parent driver's license) for all new registrations. Please email these to [email protected] once the player profile has been created. Once the course below is complete, you will be able to log in through our registration link to register your child(ren).
If you are registering a new child to your family but have completed this course for other children in your care, DO NOT complete again. Refer to the instructions in the document to add more children to your profile.
Returning Participants
Existing Participant Registration: You must ensure that your player(s) are linked to your account before registering. When you login to your account, click on "My Dashboard" and then click on "Link members". Add your participants and then go back to the Registration button.
Registration for an existing participant - Click Here
Registration for multiple existing participants - Click Here
New to Orangeville but have played hockey in another centre?
In order to register with Orangeville Minor Hockey, we will need access to your Hockey Canada Player Profile. Please complete the appropriate Player Transfer Form.
If your previous centre was on OMHA centre, please complete the form, scan and email to [email protected] along with the required supporting documents listed on the form.
If your previous centre was NOT OMHA, but an OHF member partner (Alliance, GTHL, NOHA), please complete the following and email to the OMHA office - [email protected]
For coaches, trainers, and other volunteers - Note the website has been disabled for volunteer credentials by Hockey Canada. Volunteers can now use the new online HCR registration system portal to access their credential account.
- Registration is done completely (and only) online. Payments will be made online with a credit card or EMT.
- Your registration needs to be confirmed by OMH. A confirmation email will be sent once reviewed by OMH, payment made, and the one-time Mandatory Parent Respect in Sport online course has been completed.
- All players will initially register in Local League for their division based on year of birth (regardless of the players’ intentions to attend Rep tryouts).
- Base Registration will show as,
U5 (ages 3 and 4)
U7 (ages 5 and 6)
U9 (ages 7 and 8)
U11 (ages 9 and 10)
U13 (ages 11 and 12)
U15 (ages 13 and 14)
U21 (ages 16-21)
Registration Fees for 2024-25
U5 - Introduction $ 380.00
U7 - Initiation $ 525.00
U9 - Development $ 575.00
U10 - U21 Registration $ 675.00
1) Full Payment
2) 3 Installments
· Initial payment will be 50% of fees upon registration
· 25% will be charged on June 30, 2024
· The final 25% will be charged on August 31, 2024
You have two options to pay for your registration.
Online via credit card or E-transfer - please send your transfer to [email protected]. Please ensure you include your CHILD'S NAME in the memo line. You will not need a password unless you bank with a credit union or Manulife, in which case please use hockey.
Please see our Payment and Refund Policy