latest update, News, Minor Bantam AA, 2013-2014, Rep (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jun 20, 2013 | Ray Buck | 1432 views
latest update
Hi Everyone,  
We have been working on a few things to prepare for the upcoming 2013/14 season.  

I have secured our sponsor for the season.  Arthurs Fuel has donated towards our season and a sponsor bar will be located at the bottom of our home and away jerseys.  

2.SPONSOR BANNER: Rachel and Ryan Kameka (Mason’s parents (goalie) have offered to coordinate the Sponsor Banner for our team this year.  Please find attached a letter than you can use to approach businesses in support of our team.  We would really like for each family to secure ONE sponsor for our team.  Think of the businesses you frequent and give it a try.  Deadline will probably be around the 1st of September, so we can have the banner ready for our first LEAGUE game.  For those that saw our banner last year, it looked great!  It’s a stand-alone banner that is easy to carry and set up.  THE FORMAT THAT WE REQUIRE FOR THE LOGO IS A PDF.  If you have any questions, regarding the banner or format, please email Ryan / Rachel or myself. 

3.TRAINING CAMP:  I am in the midst of booking our training camp.  I am looking at booking the weekend of Friday, September 6 – Sunday, September 8th.  This would include a game Friday night (in Barrie vs. TBD), camping or cabin at the Barrie KOA for the weekend, practice session Saturday and Game Sunday morning.  This is for all family’s  and players to get together and have a great weekend.  WHAT I NEED FROM YOU BY THURSDAY, JUNE 20th – I need to know if you camp (what type of camp site you would require – NON-CAMPER?  No worries, KOA has cabins to rent (they are very basic (remember it’s camping).  Check out the KOA website!  Once I have the site/cabins blocked off, each family will need to call and confirm their site.    

Thank you to Kelly and Dave Charron (Braedon’s parents) for organizing the first MacGregor’s Meat Fundraiser.  Once the total profit has been confirmed, we will let everyone know. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.  

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