You Might Be A Hockey Parent If,,,,, News, Minor Bantam AA, 2017-2018, Rep (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 22, 2017 | Jon Thompson | 922 views
You Might Be A Hockey Parent If,,,,
30. You have more kilometres on your '02 minivan than a '67 Chevy.

29. You have had to use a grandparent to take kid #1 to a game because Dad was out of town with kid #2 at a game and Mom had kid #3 on the other side of the province in a tournament all on the same day.

28. You know every single kid on every single team your child has ever played on; but don't have a clue as to who their school mates are.

27. You ground your kids for a week (except from hockey).

26. You chuckle when a co-worker says their kids play soccer.

25. You take out a home loan to pay for all the equipment and expenses.

24. You complain about ice time when only 10 skaters showed up.

23. You plan birth of next child so they have a good hockey birthday.

22. You shout 'Watch this, watch this" every time little Jonny touches the puck.

21. Your new baby's first word is Zamboni.

20. You need new personalized license plates (again) since child changed teams.

19. Volume of hockey related e-mail at work exceeds business related e-mail.

18. You use the term "illegal recruiting" in a post discussing 04's.

17. All you computer passwords begin with 'hockey' or contain your child's #.

16. You have been barred from more than one rink on more than one occasion.

15. All photos of family vacations have an Arena in the background.

14. You keep stats at practice.

13. You can rationalize spending $259.00 on a Synergy Composite One Piece for a 9 year old but won't spend $5.00 on a birthday card for your wife.

12. You have more Hockey Mom T-Shirts and sweatshirts than shoes.

11. You hate sending Christmas Cards, because the stats only show half the season!

10. Your Minor Hockey Association President's home # is on speed dial and in your email contact's list.

9. You purchase a new stick because the old one "didn't have any goals left in it".

8. You can't compose a sentence, or have a conversation, that doesn't use at least one of the following words: "elite", "select", "AAA", "Nationals", "premier", or "Tryouts".

7. You think a '03 Merlot Select is a new hockey team, and want to know their record.

6. You know a few 5 year olds that are "good" but "lack focus".

5. You have had kids ask if Christmas is home or away.

4. You want to try for another, so you can start younger!

3. When asked to decide between tryouts and first communion you ask the church "what are my options".

2. Your kids consider Kraft Dinner one of the key food groups.

1. When someone asks how old your children are, you respond "I have a 98, 01 and an 04".