Aug 11, 2017 | Jon Thompson | 810 views
Being A Good Teammate
Being a Good Teammate
“One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team” (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar).
A good teammate understands that no matter what position you may play, whether you are the best player on the team or on the ice, your nothing without your teammates. The key to a good teammate is being willing to give up anything for your team, sacrificing what ever it takes. Being a good teammate is very important. Anyone can throw on a jersey and call herself part of the team, but there is so much more to it than that. When you put on your jersey, you are not only becoming part of a team but part of a family. Whether you get along or not, all your problems should be pushed aside, for the sake of your team. Teammates are supposed to be responsible for one another and look out for each other on and off the ice. A good teammate should be willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of their team. The best teammates are ones who pull for each other, even while competing for a position; you should continue to root your teammate on because you are both vital to the team’s success. There is no room for negativity on a team. A good teammate should never put another player down; they should always pick each other up, especially on their lowest days. Teammates stick together, even on their worst days. No matter what a player may go through, just think how much more difficult it would be if they were doing it alone. Being committed to a team is the same as being committed to school or a job. Your bosses and teachers rely on you to be there, and they expect you to work hard to become your best. Becoming your best for the sake of the whole is a great teammate quality and also a valuable lifelong trait. This, along with the other teammate traits mentioned, builds our character and shapes us for a future of happiness and success.
This article was written by a Teenager (16 years old).