Nov 06, 2016 | Jamie Armstrong | 902 views
Flamborough Game
Hockey night back in Orangeville!
Dear Players and Parents,
Well we finally got back to our home rink for a Friday night game. Was it just me or did it feel like we haven't been there in weeks? LOL. In any event, it was great to be home preparing for another Friday night game.
As we got into game mode I had to mention the numerous emails and texts that arrived throughout the week from both parents and non parents expressing their excitement about the team. We then moved our discussion towards our opponents record of 2 wins and 7 losses. We discussed that a great team would reverse those stats and expect more and force them to play to our level. With back to back games we quickly went around the room asking for key points to achieve a successful game. Concluding our group discussion we broke it down into 4 key points:
1. Fast start - We need to own the game
2. Play a complete game - offence and defense c/w puck movement
3. Everyone needs to do something special - team challenges
Defense - use all of our break out options
Wingers - find a way to win the wall battles
Centers - win your draws and be play makers
Goalies - be athletic and stop everything
4. Play with passion, purpose, power and perfect effort!
Concluding the game the boys were on lock as they achieved their discussed goals. It is becoming evident that the way we practice and the way we arrive and prepare for our games is paying off.
Well done boys - keep up the great work and see you Sunday.
Coach Jamie