Nov 05, 2016 | Jamie Armstrong | 1000 views
Stoney Creek
Right off of North Bay success.
Dear Players and Parents,
Welcome back from a successful North Bay tournament.
Prior to tonight's weeknight game we addressed all the positives that came from the North Bay tournament as we became closer as a team and continue to strive towards the team we want to be. We discussed what was achieved and to the high level of the boys compete. We then discussed that good teams will pull off a special game here and there however great teams take previous games, learn from them, build from them and then strive higher.
We challenged the boys to be a great team tonight. We asked for the compete level, smart hockey and the perfect effort we witnessed all weekend. We finished with asking for a strong start so we could control the direction of the game. The outcome was a strong win as the boys fought through challenges and once again showed diversity and a strong PK. The strong start and the early lead proved to be beneficial and we discussed that point after the game as sometimes it has been a challenge.
Well done boys!
Coach Jamie