Nov 05, 2016 | Jamie Armstrong | 723 views
Minor Bantam AE go North
North Bay - Wow what a blast!
Dear Players and Parent,
I trust you all enjoyed the recent North Bay Tournament. I would like to thank North Bay for putting on a well organized event. I would also like to thank the Pinewood for our stay reservations and accommodating our team hospitality suite. A special thanks needs to go out to our Manager and Assistant Coach's who did all the work behind the scenes creating all the added value fun.
Games Played:
NCHA Westside Warriors: 4-3 win Orangeville
West Ferris Minor Bantam: 3-3 tie
Copper Cliff Redmen: 3-3 tie
West Ferris MB: 5-3 win Orangeville
Copper Cliff Redmen: 7-1 loss Orangeville
Boys, what you were able to put together against these AA teams was incredible. You took all of what we practice, all of what you committed to do this season and put it all on the line. As a result you as a team exceeded our expectations. We had athletic Goaltending, strong and consistent Defense and a relentless Forward attack enhanced with total team unselfish puck movement. Equally important and absolutely worth mentioning was the loud cheering bellowed by our parent group throughout the weekend. Thank you parents, keep it up, the boys felt your energy.
The Final game was exciting as we moved from some old and historical arenas into Memorial arena, thanks for taking us there. As exciting as it was it was also a tough one to go through as Copper Cliff was a strong team. I give all of you credit in maintaining your compete level and trying to win each period as the game slowly slipped out of reach. I could ask nothing more of you, we simply ran out of gas, all of you haven given so much just to get there. This type of game is a life lesson, never give up, do your best and keep your head held high as you left nothing out on the ice - you all played with Perfect Effort!
Hopefully this tournament will translate to a positive and meaningful memories for all of you. I can assure you it did for the coaches and your parents who were proud of what you were able to achieve.
Coach Jamie