To foster, promote and teach amateur hockey within the Town of Orangeville and surrounding district and to provide maximum opportunities for all eligible individuals to participate regardless of ability. Our Rep program consists of 20 AA/AE teams from Tyke-Midget with teams travelling to various cities and towns, generally within an hour of Orangeville for an average of 26-28 games a season. Most of our AA/AE teams are in 1 pre-season tournament and 2 regular season tournaments. Our Executive meets on the first Monday of every month to discuss matters at hand and works hard to ensure the promotion of and development of our young people in an encouraging environment. Our Intra-City program plays within the Brampton Intra-City league and is geared towards players looking for a more recreational stream and only plays against Brampton and Caledon teams with a much shorter season and a practice once a week. Our Houseleague program plays and practices on weekends (Except Midget) and has 1 game and 1 practice a week beginning in October and running to the end of March.