Sponsorship Convenor Needed!, News (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

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Aug 20, 2024 | Inga Layman | 169 views
Sponsorship Convenor Needed!
Orangeville Minor Hockey is looking for a Sponsorship Convenor!

A Sponsorship Convenor would be responsible to reach out to past and new sponsors and handle inquiries about sponsorship. 

If interested, please reach out to Jessica Laker for more information!

Boddam Hockey & Lacrosse Goalie Equipment
A BIG shout out to Boddam for repairing Orangeville Minor Hockey goalie apparel. Also for being so accommodating to our goalie families for their expertise and pricing. Proudly Canadian Proudly LOCAL!
Kidsport - Dufferin County
KidSport™ is a national not-for-profit organization that provides financial assistance to kids who just want to play some sports!
High Top
Drawing inspiration from both traditional barbering aesthetics and contemporary fashion, Chelsea's designs are a testament to her artistic vision and attention to detail. High Top Capes are crafted from premium materials, meticulously chosen for their durability and comfort. From bold patterns and vibrant colors to sleek and sophisticated designs, each cape is a unique statement piece that adds flair to any barber's workspace.
Orangeville Lions Club
Proud sponsors of our Mini Boards!