President's update, News (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

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Dec 16, 2022 | Rick Stevens | 874 views
President's update
Hello Flyer families,

A few updates...

Scheduling has been tough this season. The Rep games had to be completed no later than December 23 which provided some challenges due to sickness, cancelled games and ice demands. There were last minute changes to schedules to accommodate the games. We are sorry if schedules changed at the last minute but sometimes these things happen. If everyone signs up for the alerts on the teams web sites, a notification would be sent to you alerting you of the change. 

The second half of the season will commence in January. The Tri County is working through the teams that requested to be re-classified in Rep. Once the TC creates the team matchups the schedule will be completed and sent to the teams. 

HL / LL will continue in January. The Day of Champions will be March 24 & 25, 2023.
The executive will be finalizing the playoffs process at our next meeting for the HL / LL.

Player & team pictures will be completed in February.

There has been a rise in negativity throughout Minor Hockey over the last few weeks in Orangeville and across the province. Orangeville Minor Hockey will not tolerate any harassment or abuse towards players from other players, parents and or coaching staff. Our job as parents and coaches is to support the players, correct their mistakes and make hockey a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. Bullying is bullying, let's stop it now!!

Encouragement is great, yelling at the players or referees is not. 

On behalf of the Orangeville Minor Hockey executive, have a safe and happy holiday season.
Merry Christmas,

Rick Stevens
Orangeville Minor Hockey

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