President's Message, News (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

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Feb 17, 2021 | Rick Stevens | 1766 views
President's Message
Good evening members,

I want to thank Town Council tonight for reducing the ice time fees to a manageable and fair price for Orangeville Minor Hockey, Tigers Hockey and Skate Canada. It was a huge success for everyone involved. The Town of Orangeville will bring in revenue and the Winter sport groups who rent the ice from the Town got a fair price to finish out the season. A huge positive move for everyone!!  

Rick Stevens
Orangeville Minor Hockey

Proud sponsors of the Atom Division. ATOMIC
Tim Hortons
Proud sponsors of the Initiation Division
Kidsport - Dufferin County
KidSportâ„¢ is a national not-for-profit organization that provides financial assistance to kids who just want to play some sports!
Orangeville Lions Club
Proud sponsors of our Mini Boards!
Boddam Hockey & Lacrosse Goalie Equipment
A BIG shout out to Boddam for repairing Orangeville Minor Hockey goalie apparel. Also for being so accommodating to our goalie families for their expertise and pricing. Proudly Canadian Proudly LOCAL!