Red Zone OMH announcement, News (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

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Dec 11, 2020 | OMH Executive | 2638 views
Red Zone OMH announcement
Please see below for OMH’s information release and an update on our playing status as Dufferin is now in The Province of Ontario’s Covid Red Zone:

December 12, 2020




As you are all aware, our ever-changing situation surrounding the COVID-19 continues to evolve. The executive of the Orangeville Minor Hockey Association has been working on a plan in the event our Public Health Unit and the Provincial Government were to announce the lowering of our control zone from the current Orange-Restrict to Red-Control.

We monitored the daily numbers that were published by the PHU and reviewed surrounding centres programs that were already in the Red-Control zone. This has been necessary for us to make informed decisions on the best course of action moving forward for our Association. These factors have included but not limited to:

1.       Ice that is available along with the cost,

2.       Membership opinions and their concerns at both Competitive and Recreation levels,

3.       Provincial/Regional/Municipal Health Guidelines that must be strictly followed,

4.       Hockey Canada/OHF/OMHA Guidelines that must be followed,

5.       The Association's financial stability, both in the short-term and long-term,

6.       Most importantly, the health and safety of our members and their families

There will never be a perfect answer that satisfies the entire membership. However, we can tell you that we have debated long and hard with many varying opinions on all potential options moving forward. All the while doing our best to consider the responsible interests of all our members, the executive has voted to pause hockey operations effective 12:01 am Monday December 14, 2020. We will look at adding the 10 days missed ice time from December 14th to 23rd to the schedule in 2021. Our Christmas break this year was scheduled from December 24th, 2020 through to January 10, 2021. During this time frame we will be working on a modified schedule to suit the requirements as announced by the Province of Ontario and the Chief Medical Officer with regards to the Red-control zone protocols. Our goal is to resume hockey operations on January 11th, 2021 and is contingent on Public Health and Government guidelines and protocols. If the Red-Control is extended past January 11, 2021 we will have schedules made for all levels and will be communicated the first week in January.


Thank you for your patience and understanding during these times. We are committed to providing ice time for all our players in a safe and fun environment, regardless of how long this may last.


Questions or inquiries can be sent to [email protected]


Happy Holidays and Stay safe!


Orangeville Minor Hockey Executive


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