Oct 29, 2020 | Rick Stevens | 3105 views
Facility Protocols
Good morning,
The Town of Orangeville Parks and Recreation, along with the Health Unit have provided Orangeville Minor Hockey rules when entering the arena's and while in the arena's. We must adhere to these rules at all times.
The public are expected to follow provincial protocols under Ontario Regulation 364/20 (Ont.
Reg. 364/20) and the Town of Orangeville By-law 2020-055.
Below are some of the highlighted rules that we must follow.
Masks - Everyone entering the arena is to wear a mask and wear it properly. All players and coaches wear their masks until the helmet is put on, all players and coaches shall put the mask back on as soon as they remove their helmet after the practice / game.
Screening - Each team provides a screener that sits at the table. The screener can attend 30 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time. The screener shall ask the appropriate covid-19 questions to everyone entering the arena.
Players may enter the arena no more than 20 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time, be asked the covid-19 questions and then go directly to the appropriate dressing area.
Parents may attend to watch, provided only parent per player allowed in the arena. All parents shall after being screened at the front door and go directly to the appropriate designated area to view.
At this time, the Town of Orangeville rules state "No Siblings".
If the screener has left the table prior to your arrival then you can not enter the arena. It would be appreciated if the screener would remain at the door until everyone has arrived, including the parents.
When exiting the arena...
Alder - Red
Group located under score board exits north east end of arena exiting near the front entrance sidewalk.
Group located at the far end by dressing rooms exits north west end of arena by flood room.
Alder – Green
All groups exit at the north west end of arena by the flood room.
Tony Rose – A Rink
Group located at the north end, near snack bar end of the arena exits via east fire exit door.
Group located in the spectator seating area at the far end of the arena exits via B Rink.
We have to do everything we can to make sure the players, coaching staff, town staff and the public are safe.
If we do not obey the rules set out then we could lose the opportunity to gain access into the arena's.
Below are some examples that the town of Orangeville has provided us that have happened in recent days.
Team tried to come in with no greeter/screener, the coach said that they did “online screening” and he didn’t seem to think they needed a greeter at the door. He sat at the table for 2 minutes while the team ran through.
Parents dropping kids off at the front door (30 minutes early) and leaving. Kids thought they could come in. Greeter asked them to remind their parents that drop off is 20 minutes prior to rental.
Screener screened everyone outside, the players all entered the rink together including the screener (he’s the trainer) a few players continue to stagger in until the ice time with no screener at the desk because he was in the rink with the team.
Screener did not have the list of the screening questions or list of players.
Parents gave the town greeter rude behavior when she explained they are not allowed to bring other children in the rink. Some just kept going and ignored her, rude comments from others.
Team was unaware that a screener was necessary. They blamed the league for not communicating this rule to the trainer or coach.
Parents are using the B rink entrance and not going through the front door.
Parents are also not adhering to the no sibling rule. Some parents are so rude that they just breeze past the Town staff greeter and say “scheduling issue” and keep walking. One mom just put her hand up to the greeter and said not listening.
I can not stress enough to everyone how important the Town of Orangeville and the Health Unit rules are. We have no choice in the matter, we have to follow the rules.
The Town of Orangeville can stop the entry of our membership into the arena or they could revoke our ice time.
I certainly would not want either to happen, so please obey the rules.
Thank you,
Rick Stevens
Orangeville Minor Hockey