2020-21 Intent to participate, News (Orangeville Minor Hockey)

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Aug 21, 2020 | VP Rep | 4849 views
2020-21 Intent to participate
Intent to Participate - 2020/2021 Orangeville Minor Association, under the direction of the OHF and the OMHA, are reviewing the recent OHF Return to Play Framework for the 2020/21 season to determine what programming will be available this fall (link below).

During a Zoom call with the OMHA August 20 it was made clear that there will not be a traditional Rep/MD league this season. All house league and competitive programming will be done at the association level and will be determined on the participation level. 
We are also busy working closely with the Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin Public Health Unit and Town of Orangeville Parks and Recreation to ensure all programs follow the required guidelines.  We want to ensure a safe return to play for our membership. 
We will need to take demand into consideration when preparing our programming.  To assist this, please complete the Intent to Participate Form (one form per player) by August 31 and continue to monitor the website for updates as they become available.

Intent to participate 

OMHA Return to Hockey documents 
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