Jul 07, 2020 | Rick Stevens | 2806 views
July President Update to Our Membership
Hello players, parents, coaches and fans,
I hope everyone is enjoying the hot summer weather we are having. I sure hope our Flyer families are keeping busy and enjoying a swim or relaxing with each other.
The senior Executive Board are busy trying to work out details for the fall to see if we can get our players back out on the ice. We are working with Hockey Canada and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association to see what our "new hockey programs" will look like for this upcoming season. We all hear lots of rumours but until we get something concrete to share with everyone, we don't have anything to provide right now.
The Town of Orangeville will be ready for us to enjoy the facilities once the Province allows the doors to be open. There will be procedures we will have adhere to in the future regarding Covid 19 and use of the Town buildings.
As soon as we can, we will advise everyone what the next steps will be and when we can gear up for hockey.
Joanne Wilson, our Office Administrator will be leaving us. Joanne has put a lot of time and effort into our Association over the past 10 years. Joanne smiley face sitting at her desk will be missed. We wish Joanne all the best in the future.
Thank you Joanne for everything you did for us!!
Rick Stevens
Orangeville Minor Hockey