OMHA Sanctioned Permit #8247712
This tournament is open to OMHA registered HOUSE LEAGUE teams only.
No select teams and no registered competitive players will be allowed to play in this tournament.
This is a non body-checking tournament.
Each team must have an appropriately Certified Coach and Trainer on the bench for all games.
Major/minor teams are welcome and will be scheduled into separate divisions if possible. Each team member will receive a commemorative gift.
Entry fee is $575.00 per team. In lieu of gate fees, this year we would appreciate donations of non-perishable items for the Orangeville Food Bank.
Cheques may be post dated to the closing date of November 30, 2014.
Cheques will not be deposited until a division is full.
NSF cheques will be subject to a $30.00 administration fee.
Tournament format will be determined by number of teams in each division.
Game Length: 10-10-12
Tournament schedules & rules will be posted at:
Divisions will be filled on a first come basis upon receipt of application & payment in full in the amount of $575.00
Please make all cheques payable to: Orangeville Minor Hockey Association
Application deadline date: November 30, 2014
Mail application & payment to: Direct any tournament inquiries to:
Les Kent Les Kent
49 Erindale Avenue [email protected]
Orangeville ON (519)942-3874
L9W 2V8